Teaching and Learning

Sts Peter and Paul offers a unique curriculum that takes the excellence of a traditional primary education and blends it with innovative and flexible methods. The curriculum is woven together by a Catholic ethos with an emphasis on values. Through careful design, our curriculum: 

  • Focuses on the individual
  • Aims for deep learning
  • Is designed to promote motivation, confidence, self-organisation and independence. 


  • Sport 
  • Music: school choir, keyboard, guitar and violin 
  • Inter-school debating and Rostrum public speaking, speech and drama
  • Lunchtime clubs: Library, chess and gardening
  • Japanese
  • Environment centre
  • Camps, excursions and incursions
  • Integration with Malkara Special School 
  • Leadership training 
  • Before and after school care
  • Class buddy systems


Our kitchen garden was created to provide edible, aromatic and beautiful resources for our school kitchen and in turn, teach our students about the natural world. Students develop an appreciation for growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing seasonal produce that uses all the senses. Gardening Club encourages students to help care for our garden and gather and share some fruits and vegetables with the school community.


Students are supported within their classroom learning environment by their class teacher to develop to their full potential. Emphasis is placed on finding, developing and using a student’s strengths and talents to maximise their learning, heighten their self-esteem and develop a love of learning. We understand the significance of educating the whole child and the knowledge that each child is unique in their needs for support.


Our cutting-edge STEM program allows students to work creatively with robotics and 3D printing. We have developed a ‘Makerspace’, where students can gather to create, invent, tinker, explore and discover using a variety of tools and materials.


At Sts Peter and Paul, Literacy is scheduled for the morning session each day. This Literacy Block is structured to include various Reading, Writing and Word Study activities.

While each classroom’s Literacy Block looks different, depending on the age and experience of the students, the following is a general guide to the session:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Teacher and peer conferencing
  • Sharing circles and class discussions
  • Various Literacy and Word Study activities


The Sts Peter and Paul agreed practice towards Literacy consists of:

  • A school-wide commitment to 2-hour literacy blocks each morning.
  • An agreed proforma for programming in K-6, including teaching and learning opportunities for all English strands of the Australian Curriculum; Language, Literacy and Literature.
  • Opportunities for teacher and student conferencing to address needs, collect data, view trends and devise purpose-based groups and activities to support student development.
  • A Word Study approach towards spelling, punctuation and grammar.


The Literacy teaching and learning programs at Sts Peter and Paul are organised in line with the Australian Curriculum’s three strands; Language, Literacy and Literature. Each of these strands contain additional sub-strands that are identifiable within the content descriptions used when programming. These contribute to the Receptive (Reading, Listening, Viewing) and Productive (Writing, Creating, Speaking) modes that form students’ communication processes.


At the core of our reading pedagogy, classroom teachers model proficient reading behaviours to students through reading for enjoyment and modelled reading lessons. Emphasis has been placed on teacher-led inquiry to facilitate the introduction, development and consolidation of effective reading behaviours. Small group activities are purpose-based and devised in accordance with patterns and trends reflected in data collected through observations and during conferences.

Reading strategies are explored, and sharing circles and class discussions are facilitated. Reading Running Record data is used to respond to students’ individual reading needs.

Reading is further supplemented with Reading of student-selected texts. Books can be borrowed from the school library on a weekly basis or accessed from the classroom library collections. Class libraries are updated with a variety of books to enable frequent rotation of resources amongst class/stage groups.


Writing at Sts Peter and Paul consists of class constructed texts and independent writing. Students are exposed to quality literature and opportunities for teacher and peer conferencing and sharing. A specific focus is given to the writing cycle; planning, drafting, editing and publishing of students’ work. The regular publication of students’ writing encourages a community of writers.

The interconnectedness that exists between reading and writing is emphasised by students’ exposure to a variety of genres and authors. Data and observations collected during conferencing and from student’s work allows teachers to respond to individual interests and needs. This level of support provides the framework upon which students’ identities as young writers are shaped.


Sts Peter and Paul have adopted a Word Study approach to the teaching of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

A Literacy Consultant, Christine Killey of Learning Made Easier, spent two years working with staff to develop a consistent whole-school approach to support students’ development in Literacy. Christine’s model of teaching and learning in spelling, punctuation and grammar centres on an inquiry-based, Word Study approach. This includes the investigation of letter-sound relationships, spelling and grammar strategies and words within context.

Typically, a Word Study lesson includes the following:

  • Emphasis on letter-sound relationships and consonant, vowel and syllable knowledge
  • Exploring words origins
  • Understanding words in context
  • Identifying and experimenting with parts of speech
  • Use of the Words Their Way (WTW) spelling resource for developmental spelling stages and whole class exploration of age-appropriate patterns/strategies
  • Use of Christine’s Spelling and Grammar Magic cards and books to explore spelling and grammar strategies
  • Administration of WTW spelling inventories to determine students’ spelling level and plan further development.


Mathematics Teaching at Sts Peter & Paul School

Explicit and applied pedagogies ensure our academically rigorous Mathematics programs engage and support all learners in our classrooms. High Impact Teaching Practices (HITP), particularly Daily Review, Explicit Lessons, Checking for Understanding and Questioning, are fundamental components of our Mathematics programs at Sts Peter & Paul Primary School. These practices, embedded in our low variance curriculum, are further enriched with timely and targeted applied experiences. Carefully crafted open-ended problem-solving tasks provide opportunities for our students to contextually apply their knowledge and grow as curious learners. Our balanced approach to the teaching and learning of Mathematics enables students to enhance their conceptual understanding, mathematical fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning, and productive disposition.


Ongoing assessment enables teachers, and students, ‘to decide where learners are at in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there’ (ACT Teachers Guide to Assessment, 2011, p. 6). Assessment to inform learning includes:

  • observation, questioning and discussion;
  • formal assessment; and
  • feedback to guide students.

Regular classroom assessment tasks include diagnostic, formative and summative tasks and are supplemented by tools that focus on number sense. Scheduled home learning activities are provided to consolidate student learning that takes place during school hours and to develop the partnership between home and school. The following platforms are used to provide these experiences:

  • Kinder – Year 4 use the Mathletics platform.
  • Years 5 & 6 use the Maths Online platform.